While wearable technology is gaining more popularity on the consumer edge, it might surprise you that even the construction sector has endorsed it for safety purposes. Construction sites often expose…
While wearable technology is gaining more popularity on the consumer edge, it might surprise you that even the construction sector has endorsed it for safety purposes. Construction sites often expose…
The summer months are really popular times for various construction projects as traffic and congestion usually lessens with the release of public schools, universities, and people leaving for vacations. However,…
Hard Hats in the Work Zone A construction zone can be a dangerous place when the proper safety precautions aren’t taken. Objects can be sent flying or fall from an…
According to OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, an approved hard hat must be worn whenever work is being done in an area where a head injury from falling…
Most construction sites experience both high activity levels and dangerously loud noise levels. The two together can result in many dangerous situations if appropriate safety measure are not taken. Awareness…
The sandbox at your local community playground usually proves to be among the most popular places where children enjoy spending time and having fun. Most parents have good memories about…
Outdoor playgrounds are a fun experience for children to enjoy. However, there are safety considerations to watch out for during the cold winter months. Cold weather can negatively affect certain…
One of the most valuable and costly items anyone can own is property, such as a building. If a building is not maintained or protected from harsh winters and weather,…
If you run a construction company, your health and that of your employees should be your priority. Whether a worker is using power tools, hand tools, or industrial sprays and…
Construction work requires a lot of onsite safety, especially when building high structures and bridges. Unfortunately, over 20,000 reported constructions site injuries occur annually as a result of falls from…
Lightning damage is responsible for $1 billion in losses to buildings each year in the USA. Downtime and liability are the two major issues. Shutdowns are common, causing loss to…
A construction site can be a chaotic place. Thus, it is important to eliminate any potential for further chaos in a construction site. Fires can be very injurious and damaging…
Most people carry out construction work when the weather is fair. The reason is that it is simpler to work outside when one does not have to navigate through ice,…
Construction sites are subject to many different safety regulations, but accidents can happen. Whether you are a construction worker or manager on site, or a project owner, always be sure…
As we pointed out in a previous post, the four leading causes of death in the construction industry are falling hazards, electrical hazards, struck-by hazards, and caught in-between hazards, together…
We’ve covered playground design quite a bit on this blog, with several entries touching on the history of playgrounds and the inspiration for some of the structures we see today….
Particularly, When it Comes to Respirable Silica Safety: Construction safety has always been an important issue within the industry. The final ruling with regard to exposure of silica is receiving…
Any experienced construction crew has looked at playgrounds in trying to figure out to do most of the structures more effectively. Because of this it can be interesting to look…
As of 2014, construction accounted for 1 of every 5 fatal work injuries and the Fatal Four consisted of 60% of those deaths. This means 12% of workplace fatalities come…
Construction work is a very desirable way for millions of men and women to make a good living as well as enjoy the personal satisfaction of seeing a project completed…