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If you run a construction company, your health and that of your employees should be your priority. Whether a worker is using power tools, hand tools, or industrial sprays and particulate materials, respiratory hazards are always high on a job site. In fact, inhaling some fumes and gases can cause someone to be violently sick or even lead to death. With such high risks, it is only necessary that your employees refrain from inhaling potentially dangerous substances. It is also a requirement by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Provide Facial Protection

When considering gear that will protect workers from breathing in substances from the site, considering getting helmets or loose-fitting face masks that protect the head, eyes, and the face. This equipment can prevent inhalation of foreign substances, and protect the rest of the face as well. For example, eye injuries in a chipping and grinding operation can be reduced by 90 percent if your employees wear helmets that cover the entire head. By so doing, you will eliminate the need for face shields and separate googles.

OSHA Compliance

OSHA is a body that regulates agreement on various safety measures. Selecting the appropriate respiratory protection accessories can reduce the acquiescence affliction. For instance, if you opt to use the loose-fitting design, you will not require doing fit testing on your employees. In addition, when you use these helmets for protection against vapors and gases, you eliminate the need for developing biochemical cartridges for various schedules. Employees who use these gadgets do not need to share their mustache and or beards, as they do not need a very tight face seal.

Beneficial for the Business

How does having an effective respiratory protection system influence the performance of your business? If your workers know that you care about their safety and welfare in the firm, their morale will be raised. As such, they will be comfortable while rendering their service. The result is an increase in the level and quality of the output. The only way to realize better results at a lower cost is to allow the systems to accommodate other needs. For instance, supplying an air system to your employees may appear costly at the initial stages. However, you should compare these results with additional hidden costs of absenteeism, production downtime, and employee turnover.

Involve Your Employees

The key to adequate respiratory system protection is involving the users. The users should test the systems to ascertain whether they are useful or not. Thoroughly train your employees to ensure that they are aware of how to wear the equipment correctly. You can also develop systems that help assess whether they are wearing them as they ought to. Providing your workers with a chance to select, and offering the most comfortable and flexible equipment can be the key to boost their morale. They will be happy with what they do and feel motivated to increase their efforts.


When your competitors in the construction industry are focusing on meeting the necessary OSHA regulations, be a step ahead. Ensure that you have complied with all the rules, then select respirators that boost productivity and increase morale and comfort benefits to your employees.

If you would like more information about safety on a construction site, contact T.F. Harper & Associates LP, located in Austin, TX.

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