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Playgrounds are something every child looks forward too. People probably tend to think that kids get bored with one, so we need to build another. Quite the opposite! If we just take some time to improve the ones we already have, everyone will be happy.


Austin playground equipment is only as good as the amount of fun a child can have on it.


When looking to improve a playground, think about the flow of the playground. Are there different areas, ones for kids with more energy and ones for kids with less? Not every child wants to be swinging off monkey bars, climbing to the highest point, sliding down the biggest slide. Some kids want to just play on a seesaw with a friend, or swing to their heart’s content. If there is not a flow of high to low energy in the equipment, or even in just the layout, look at improving this.

Sensory Objects

Sensory learning is very important, especially to the young kids. Incorporating something like bells or letter blocks or tic tac toe can greatly improve a child’s experience in the playground. Noise makers are always a kid’s favorite thing to go to!


The greatest way to improve any playground equipment, is to give it a new paint job. Especially, if you use kid friendly colors. Nothing attracts a child’s eye more that bright, shiny colors.

The Grounds

Even though we tend to think about the equipment in Austin playground installations, the grounds are almost more important. These don’t just affect the child playing, but the parents too.

Safety First

Something to consider when you are improving a playground is the safety of the playground. Look at the structures in place, how high are they? Would someone get hurt if they fell? What kind of barriers are near, would they keep children from going into unsafe areas? What kind of surface would they fall onto? Children’s safety is the first concern for parents and a good playground has that in mind as well. Make sure the ground being used is something like synthetic rubber or sand.



Kids get hot and tired running around. How close are the water fountains? How many are there? Are they clean? It is very important for kids to have access to water when they work up a sweat. Benches are also important. Not only for the kids who may need to take a break, but for the parents watching them. Make sure your playground has plenty.


Finally, bathrooms and trash cans. Are there enough stalls? Kids do not like to stop playing to use the bathroom, either. They need to be close enough for those little ones who may be on the verge of an emergency. There should also be enough trash cans for those who bring snacks or their own drinks. Nothing is more gross or unsafe than litter.


If we can make our playgrounds safe, with tons of fun equipment, and keep them clean, everyone will be happy. Playgrounds that are safe, with plenty of equipment, that is well taken care off win every time.

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