When people think of school, some of the things that come to mind are: outdated desks, dingy classroom setups and dusty chalkboards. Normally, the word ‘modern’ does not come to people’s mind when they think about the characteristics of an average school. This is pretty shameful when you look at the fact that children are told that school is an important place that they have to go to.
But, by perpetuating this image of gloomy, boring classrooms with robotic teachers, we are essentially teaching our children at a young age that they should expect school to be more like a ‘chore’ as opposed to a learning center which gives them the tools they need to succeed in life. A renovation project can help to improve a student’s outlook at school and subsequently enhance the learning process. Let’s take a look at the impact a school renovation project can have on the minds of parents, teachers and children alike.
1) Updated Technology
One of the more profound benefits of renovating a school is the concept of updating old equipment and technology. By providing newer technology, students will feel more obliged to maintain their grades and homework when it’s provided on a platform that they’re familiar with. For instance, giving a child online homework is much easier for them because it negates the need to go to the library. Additionally, teachers can easily get feedback from students by utilizing an online platform, as opposed to asking students to complete a questionnaire in-person.
2) Improved Property Values of Surrounding Areas
Financial experts proclaim that one of the more interesting benefits school renovations have is that they improve the value of properties that are located within close proximity of the school. For instance, one study that was published in 2004 took a look at Brookline, Massachusetts—a city which has a large number of lower-income minority populations. As a result of a recently completed school renovation project, Brookline saw greater increases in housing prices than more affluent places such as Rochester. As such, public investments like renovating a school can cause the property values of surrounding areas to increase.
3) Boosted Academic Performance
Back in 2011, Salford University conducted a study to determine how environmental factors of school buildings impacted the academic performance of students. Upon conclusion of the study, researchers demonstrated that well-designed schools had the ability to boost a student’s academic performance, specifically in areas such as reading, math and writing.
4) Helping Older Students Transition into the Workforce
Older high school students stand to gain more distinctive benefits than their younger counterparts. As older high school children move towards graduating, they need to be prepared for the world that lies beyond the protective barrier that school provides. One of the ways this can be accomplished is to create a more modern school which reflects the modern workplace. This will help to make the process of transitioning from school to the workforce much easier on students getting ready to graduate.
5) Increased Attention And Focus
There are several things that can be done during the renovation process which can help to increase students’ attention and ability to focus. For instance, using large windows to allow more natural light to flow in can help to increase a student’s ability to focus and concentrate.
Most would agree that it is pretty contradictory to tell a child that they’re the future when we send them to a school which utilizes technology from the 2000s. If children are in fact the future, more schools need to become modernized through a series of renovation projects. Not only will this be beneficial to the students, parents and teachers alone, but the surrounding community as a whole.