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Playing has been recognized by United Nations High Commissions for Human Rights to be very important in a childs development. There is much more to kids playing than just goofing off and having fun. Playing is considered to contribute to a child’s intellectual growth, strengthen the mental health of a child’s emotional well-being, reinforce creative thinking and problem solving as well as build a child’s physical strength. However, not all children get the opportunity to play enough and in different scenarios with other children for some reasons like strict schedules dictated by the parents, or lack of resources. But no matter your situation, your children need unstructured creative play time with you or with
friends. Below are reasons why playing is important for your child.

Why is Playing Important For Your Child?

Improved Strength & Development

Playing improves your child’s muscle strength and mental and social development. Also, by playing, children tend to try and learn new things, share ideas, take risks, understand the world and discover how their bodies work.

Skills Built By Playing

•When children play, they build and develop skills in all areas that need development: such as cognitive, communication, emotional, physical, and social skills. Your children practice and reinforce these skills in a way that cannot be achieved through structured learning.

•By playing, healthy habits are promoted. Through play, your children are actively engaged in the world around them. Also, since their bodies are active in exercises, it minimizes the counteracts that many children face today, like obesity.

•Playing helps children relieve their stress. It allows children to work out their anxiety and fears.

•Children learn and practice new ideas that bring further active investigation by playing, They also learn to discover the world around them in more meaningful ways.

•Through play, children make their own decisions; they begin to connect their choices and the risks of their options. Through this they learn action and consequences in a more in-depth way than can be taught in a structured environment.

Reasons to Play Along With Them

Create time as a parent to play with your children. Your presence enables another level of meaningful play to happen. This builds a strong bond between you and your child and shows your children that you pay attention to them, allowing them to express themselves through playing.

While you engage in playing with your child, they may use your presence to figure out a risky situation, try something challenging or something new. Use that time to coach your children and guide their play while on the playground.

Be in an open location and let your child lead the game while you follow. If your child has a specific game or activity in mind, play along (as long as it is a safe activity) and let them explore different types of make-believe games or activities. While being involved with your kids on the playground, you are better positioned to guide your child on how to play.

Studies show that a parent should be attentive to the following indicators of learning while their children are in active play:

•How long do your children want to play?
•How happy they are while playing?
•How much do they want to explore?


Playtime is a rich opportunity for your child’s development, like learning how to interact with friends and trying new ideas. Make use of the valuable time that occurs when your kids are young and create every opportunity for them to develop their creative sides during playtime.

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