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Business owners and average workers alike spend a significant number of hours in commercial building spaces. As such, it is crucial that the building and its surroundings fit the occupants’ needs and purpose, offer comfort and visual appeal, and create a welcoming environment. For architectures, designing a commercial building is a daunting task that requires a lot of consideration and thought. It is recommended that collaboration with qualified designers be made compulsory to offer guidance and support for the right design. Below are the advantages of having an excellent commercial building design.

Promotes Sustainability

Today, buildings account for over 40% of the world’s total carbon emissions. Retrofitting the existing buildings and redesigning new ones can offer a great opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. By 2050, the United Nations projects an increase in the human population by 2.5 billion, with an increase in urbanization by at least two-thirds. The population increase will lead to high demand for new buildings for work and studying. Thus, a high-performance criterion in commercial building construction will help cater for the numbers without affecting the state of the environment. Good commercial building design pays for itself and enhances the state of the natural environment.

Creates Branding Opportunities

Quality design is one of the branding opportunities of a commercial building. When a company’s quality building design supports its personality and identity, clients and employees are more likely to work with the company. Amidst the variety of structural styles in the building market, the uniqueness of a company’s building is what sets it apart from the rest of the competition.

The building design also enhances the core values and business brand of a company. In fact, the way an office is organized can significantly impact the effectiveness of your business. Up to 76% of the workforce between 26-40 agree that commercial building design influences their performance and impression of the company.

Improves the Health of Occupants

It is a fact that a commercial building design impacts the mental and physical health of the occupants. Open-plan workspaces, for instance, are becoming popular because they aid in collaboration and communication. Putting up multiple working stations can also promote movement, reduce sitting time, and enhance flexibility and choice.

Natural lighting is an equally important aspect of commercial building design that is essential for almost every organic workspace. Increased natural lighting boosts employees’ Vitamin D levels, improves mood, and influences creativity and learning positively. Proper lighting also impacts the health of workers as it reduces headaches and eye strain.

Increases Productivity

Employees are productive when they work in a comfortable, healthy, and happy environment. It makes sense that productivity is improved when the working tools and resources are placed in the right place at the right time. A well-organized office space promotes productivity. In addition, effective storage solutions at the office create an easily accessible and aesthetically appealing working environment.

Promotes Inclusivity and Collaboration

Creating a simple building design with specific working zones can encourage collaboration. Studies have shown that considering different design elements at the workplace, like room colors, lighting, spacious boardrooms, and lounge spaces, not only improves employees’ overall mood but also adds creativity. Offering a variety of workspace designs will promote collaboration, which leads to satisfaction and productivity.

Looking for a commercial construction contractor to get your commercial building off the ground? Contact T.F. Harper & Associates LP, an Austin general contractor, to learn more.

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